Friday 30 November 2012

The Ends of the World

Eschatology is not just a question of theology,
Biology is not our fate.
Life goes beyond mere physiology,
And, by the way, it's not too late.
The Messiah will come to press the vine,
And turn our good deeds into wine.

Soteriology is not just a question of philosophy.
Epistemology doesn't do the trick.
The same goes for Scientology -
We all get judged, both dead and quick!
Christ will come from clouds above,
From on high: just like a dove.

Ontology is not a version of cryptography,
To punish all who seek.
We could start with thaumatology,
But, in truth the flesh is weak.
The Anointed One will come just like a lamb,
Tell me now, who gives a damn?

Theosophy does not boil down to our ecology,
Numerology is not the answer.
Abraham's is the true genealogy,
And oncology is just a cure for cancer.
Jesus is coming, like it or not ...
Remember: hell can get a little hot!


He had the light
To run like an obsidian black.
Into the night
And never return.
"Wait for me
On the other side", she said,
"And stay and watch…"
Yet it was him she denied.

He waited for an age and a day
Till the Earth had frozen over.

Tarrying for his lover
But she was gone.

The mist was on the field.
I turned both left and right
But I couldn't see.
Oh, the rolling wheels:
The years refuse to sit lightly on me.

Star Wars Synaesthesia

A long time ago,
In a place quite near here,
There existed a degenerate called Socrates,
Who thought all art was bad.

Later, some time later,
The pious used art to glorify God.
And then came Baumgarten - 
And who is Baumgarten, you might ask?

He 'invented' the word aesthetics.
Later came the Modern era.
Oh, my God, what a load of kitsch!
Maybe someone can sort out this mess.

Too many 'isms, not traditional art,
Artists in ivory towers, articles
For specialists, written by specialists.
Why can't we turn the clock back?