Friday 27 May 2016

The Final Solution

I live according to the sounds I hear,
As I hate acoustic cacophony.
Sweet music always brings a tear,
To satisfy the lonely.
What would you say or do now,
If I told you that tonight,
You and God were to make a vow,
And the Devil renew his might?
That Death would come a-visiting,
And you were finally to leave this world?
The timbres of life a deadly ring,
With funeral drapes unfurled,
Would toll the parish knell?
What would you say or do now,
If the rivers of woe were to swell,
And your precious God allow
You to enter paradise alone?
Would you relish the news,
Find disdain in his tone,
Or abandon this body he eschews?

Saturday 14 May 2016

Cured for 'Life'

The bottom falls out of its decay -
It will never see the light of day.
When we were young,
It reminds me of songs we once sung.

The sun it shines,
Upon our lives,
When all was dark.
Adamantine more solid than stark.

The light will never go out,
Though many will bellow and shout.

An antidote to pain -
To nothing again.
An antidote to death itself -
No purpose for worldly wealth.
No more sorrow,
Nor fear of tomorrow.

I don't contend my poetry is divinely or otherwise inspired. No angel (or demon for that matter) has come a-visiting: it's probably due to my mind playing tricks on me or some voice inside my head! The creative impulses I feel are sometimes perceived as inner suggestions or comments as I write, telling me to choose one word over another, but this is just my simple human creativity. I'm not proud enough to promote myself as a conduit for God or prophecy - I'm just a flawed man who is trying to express himself. There, there, Dan, any excuse for your religion and not to sound too pretentious!